Many of us mindlessly pour food scraps down our sink thinking it’s a safe and easy way to dispose of them. However, this can be very damaging to its pipes, especially if it happens to be a certain type of food. This article will explore some of the worst food to put down it.

  • Coffee Grounds: Coffee grounds might be small, but they can cause a major problem for your sink. When wet, the grounds will clump together. Rather than washing down the sink they will instead stay clumped in the pipe. Eventually, this could cause a clog.
  • Eggshells: Eggshells can stick to the interior of your drain. Because of their stickiness, any other food put down the sink will attach to the shells.
  • Grease: Grease is one of the worst things to pour down your sink. While it might be liquid at first, it will soon solidify. If stuck in the sink’s pipes, it will create a thick blockage causing water and small debris to get trapped.
  • Fruit Pits: If you have a garbage disposal in your sink, definitely don’t put fruit pits down it. These pits are so tough that they can crack the blades.
  • Flour: When wet, flour becomes somewhat thick. If you pour flour down your sink, it will create a thick paste that sticks to its sides. Each time you turn your sink on, the water will only cause the flour to expand and could lead to a blockage.
  • Potato Peels: Potato peels contain large amounts of starch. Just like with flour, when water soaks the peels, it will create a sticky substance that coats the sink’s drainage pipes.
  • Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are tiny but they quickly absorb water which can make them expand. While a few won’t usually cause a problem, if you continuously do so it can create a dangerous blockage that will need to be removed by a plumber.
  • Shellfish Shells: Peeling and throwing shellfish shells down your sink can be troublesome. Because of their tough exterior, these shells can get caught in a garbage disposal’s blades. They could also wear out its motor because the device is overwhelmed at trying to crush them.

To keep your sink in good working condition it’s important to avoid putting these items in it. In Rohnert Park and suspect you might have a blockage in your sink or want to prevent one? Consider calling Redwood Sewer & Drain a call today.