Water leaks can be a serious problem that can lead to a variety of troubles, including major health issues. However, many people often don’t know what exactly causes water leaks. Below you’ll find more information about why water leaks can be dangerous and some of the top causes of them.

The Dangers of Water Leaks

It might not seem like water leaks would be that big of a problem, but they can be. Water leaks can encourage the growth of mold which can cause serious health problems like wheezing and sinusitis. In addition to this, they can hurt the foundation of a building making it unsafe to be in. Other dangers water leaks can cause include fires if it reaches electrical wires and water contamination.

Four Causes of Water Leaks

  1. Clogged Pipes
    • Clogged pipes are one of the main culprits behind water leaks. This is because they cause water to back-up in the drain. If the water pressure is too much for the pipe, it will end up causing water to leak through it.
  2. Broken Seals
    • A seal is meant to prevent water from leaking through the ends of pipes. If a seal is broken or the putty around it is deteriorating it will be unable to do this. While not much water will escape at first, the liquid will eventually start dripping more rapidly because the seal is flimsy.
  3. Temperature Changes
    • Extreme temperature changes can cause water leaks because it irritates the pipes. If something is too hot or cold, the pipe will try to adjust to the temperature quickly by either expanding or contracting. If the water temperature changes too quickly, it can overwhelm the pipes leading to them popping and creating small holes.
  4. Corrosion
    • If you have an older home, it might be equipped with corroded pipes. Old pipes are usually made of flimsy materials, like polybutylene, that will warp over time. This buckling can lead to cracks that cause leaks. One way you can tell if the pipes are corroded is by tasting the water. If it has a metallic taste or smell, you probably have deteriorating water pipes.

Water leaks can cause major damage to your Sonoma County property if not fixed. If you’re concerned you might have a water leak or want to prevent one from occurring, be sure to contact Redwood Sewer & Drain. Our plumbing service will work quickly to stop any leaks and keep your water pipes functioning properly.