A toilet is an essential part of the home but its maintenance is often overlooked. Because of this, it can lead to serious clogs. Below you’ll discover some of the most common causes of toilet blockages.

  • Too Much Toilet Paper: One of the biggest causes of clogged toilets is that too much toilet paper was flushed down it. This can block the drain causing a major backup. While you don’t have to limit your toilet paper, you might need to do a handful of separate flushes to prevent a blockage.
  • A Broken Flapper: A toilet flapper is a plug that hits the drain hole so it can hold water inside the tank until you flush it. You can usually see the flapper when you take the lid off of your toilet.
    If the flapper is malfunctioning, such as not opening all the way, it can make it hard for water to go through. This low water pressure could cause a jam in it.
  • The Trap is Blocked: Another important component of a toilet is its trap. This is a u-shaped pipe behind the toilet that holds water. The water works to prevent odors that come from your home’s sewer line. However, because of its unique shape, the trap can easily become blocked.
  • There’s Too Much Hard Water: Hard water contains high amounts of minerals. If your toilet has a lot of it, the hard water will start to calcify and create a white layer that is difficult to remove. This layer will continue to build on itself which eventually could block your toilet’s drain.
  • Flushing Wipes: Wipes aren’t designed to decompose. Because of this, once you flush them down the toilet, they could cause a pricey blockage. Thanks to their sticky exterior, they can also attract grease and hair clumps. Despite some having a “flush-safe” symbol on them, they still aren’t ideal to flush down the toilet.
  • Old Pipes: Old pipes can be another reason why toilets clog. Ancient pipes can collapse or crumble inside the walls. This can lead to a lack of water pressure which could make it difficult for the toilet to flush debris or could cause a sediment backwash.

Toilets are an essential part of the home that need to be well maintained. If your toilet tends to get clogged easily, consider contacting Redwood Sewer & Drain in Sonoma County today. Our professionals will investigate the situation and fix it.