Most of us enjoy taking showers, but often don’t realize that they do have an expiration date. Sometimes old showers will wear down which can cause leaks. This is because the pieces might not be very durable anymore which could result in it breaking. Below you’ll find four signs to watch out for that indicate you might need a new shower.

4 Signs You Need a New Shower

There are Leaks or Rust: Leaks and rust in a shower can be a serious problem. Most of the time these are caused by inadequate caulking or oxidization. While they might not seem very problematic at first, they can be. Leaks can cause water damage while rust can wear down mechanical pieces.
While you can sometimes repair these issues, if they’re constantly occurring that shows the shower is starting to wear out and is a sign that you need a new one.

Mold Consistently Grows: Mold isn’t only unsightly, but can be a serious health concern. The fungus is common in showers because of the humidity they collect. The problem is if your shower is too old, it might not provide proper ventilation. This could create an abundance of mold in it you constantly need to remove.

The Door is Broken: If your shower door breaks you can sometimes find a replacement, but this can be difficult. A shower door is meant to help keep water inside. If it’s broken, it will allow water to seep through onto the floors and nearby walls.

Fluctuating Water Temperatures or Pressure: Another sign that you might need a new shower is that the water temperature keeps changing. While this can sometimes be caused by a broken water heater, it could also be due to an old shower valve. If the shower valve isn’t able to consistently heat water, it will cause cold water to mix in with the hot water. Poor water pressure could also indicate it’s time for a new shower. Showers that are unable to provide a consistent stream of water usually do so because of a broken piece. Sometimes it might even completely stop providing water out of the showerhead. While you can replace the showerhead, most of the time this is a clear sign that the shower plumbing needs to be inspected.

It’s important that your shower functions correctly if you want to prevent water damage and mold growth in your home. Redwood Sewer & Plumbing in Santa Rosa, CA offers shower plumbing services when upgrading your shower.