Water damage is a serious issue many homeowners have to deal with. Despite causing severe destruction, it can be very difficult to locate and fix. Below are four easy ways you can prevent water from damaging your living space.

What Causes Water Damage?

Water damage can be caused by many different things. One of the reasons is because of a pipe leak. However, sometimes water damage can be due to an old appliance that has weakened joints, damaged HVAC units, or a blocked sewer line.

Four Ways to Stop Water Damage

Monitor Your Appliances: It’s important to regularly monitor your appliances, especially if they are older than five years. Most of these devices, like fridges and dishwashers, use water and have seals to help prevent them from leaking. However, if these seals break or are worn, it could cause small water droplets to escape. In addition to this, broken seals could leak moisture which could result in mold.

Use Water Detection Devices: A water detection device works to alert you to signs of a leak. You can install the device on your main water line where it will monitor the flow rate. If it senses a drop in water pressure, it will send out an alert.

Clean Out the Gutters: Sometimes clogged gutters could be to blame for water damage. Clogged gutters can cause a major backup which can lead to sitting water. If the water is unable to drain, it will try to find somewhere else to do so. This could cause it to leak into your home.

Ideally, clean your gutters once at the beginning of the year and once at the end. You might also consider installing gutter guards on them.

Ensure Your Windows are Sealed: You’ll also want to make sure that your windows are properly sealed. If they aren’t, moisture will seep in. In addition to this, if it rains, that water will sneak into any cracks and get soaked into the surrounding walls.

There are a few ways you can tell if your windows are sealed. If you notice moisture or fog in between the panes, it’s probably not correctly sealed. To seal one, simply take some caulking and run it around the edges of the window or door where it meets the walls.

If you want to make sure to prevent water damage, definitely keep these tips in mind. For those concerned they might already have it, Redwood Sewer & Plumbing can help. We offer a variety of services that will help to keep your water pipes in good condition and stop potential water damage.