Water leaks can be a major problem for homeowners. They not only can lead to floods, but dangerous mold growth. However, sometimes it can be tough to tell whether or not your home might have one. Below are four signs to keep an eye out for that are a sure sign there’s a water leak somewhere.

Four Signs You Have a Water Leak

  • Your Water Bill Has Skyrocketed: One major indication you probably have a water leak is that your water bill has suddenly increased. This shows that your pipes likely have a crack and are spewing out water. If you’re unsure as to whether or not your high bill is caused by a leak, you can do a water meter test. To do this, turn off the water and then check the current reading on the meter. After about one hour, check the number on it. If it has increased, there’s more than likely a leak.
  • There are Patches of Mildew on the Floors and Walls: Another sign that you have a water leak is patches of mildew on your floors and walls. Dripping water, especially in humid areas like basements and attics, can lead to the formation of mildew. If not fixed, these mold spores will continue to spread throughout your home and could cause serious health issues. Sometimes these patches might not be visible but instead you can smell a lingering musty odor in a specific area. This is yet another sign that there’s a water leak in the vicinity.
  • The Water Pressure is Low: Low water pressure indicates that water isn’t properly flowing through your pipes. Instead, it’s escaping through small cracks. Some signs of low water pressure are that it takes your washing machine a long time to fill up and your shower or sink emits only a small amount of water. You can test to see if you have low water pressure with the help of a pressure gauge. The gauge will indicate the current PSI which should be around 30-80. If it’s lower than this, you have a water pressure problem.
  • You Hear Strange Bubbling Noises: Strange noises in your pipes are usually an indication that there’s either a clog or leak in them. You might also hear soft dripping or whistling sounds in your wall – a sure sign that there’s a water leak.

If you live in Sonoma County and suspect you might have a water leak or want to prevent one from happening, call Redwood Sewer & Drain. We’ll thoroughly inspect the issue and give you some tips that you can use to avert leaks.