We all know the importance of keeping our home’s plumbing system in good condition. However, there are many popular plumbing myths out there that can cause more harm than good. If you follow some of these, they can end up damaging your home’s plumbing or even costing you an expensive amount of money. Below are some of the most common plumbing myths and why you should avoid them.

5 Common Plumbing Myths

  1. Flushing Wipes Down the Toilet is Safe: Despite some wipes claiming to be flushable, they’re still very dangerous to flush down the toilet. Wipes aren’t designed to disintegrate so they can get stuck in the toilet’s trap. They can also overwhelm your septic system which could lead to it breaking.
  2. A Dripping Faucet Isn’t That Big of a Deal: A few drops might not seem like a problem, but over time these tiny water droplets can end up being a very expensive one. In fact, a leaking faucet could end up costing you an extra $200 a year and can result in a waste of over 30 gallons of water per year.
  3. Putting a Brick in a Toilet’s Tank Saves Money: A common plumbing myth is that putting a brick in a toilet’s tank helps to save money because it prevents excessive water usage. This can be very harmful to your toilet’s health because the brick will start to break-up over time. These pieces can end up clogging your toilet causing significant blockages.
  4. A Water Heater That Makes Gurgling Sounds is Going to Explode: While some might be concerned if they hear their water heater making strange gurgling sounds, there’s no reason to be worried. This is a common sound that occurs as the device heats up. If there are any sediments at the bottom, they will eventually rise – something which causes this strange sound.
  5. It’s Safe to Put Grease Down the Drain: This isn’t true at all. While grease might be a liquid at first, it will harden. As it starts to solidify, it will get stuck in the drain. This will eventually cause a severe blockage that is very difficult to remove without the help of a professional.

Plumbing and sewer systems help to ensure that your living space receives proper sanitation and adequate water supply. If you’re concerned about plumbing problems or want to prevent them, Redwood Sewer & Drain can help. We offer numerous services that will keep your home’s plumbing in top condition and are just a call away.