Sinks are located throughout the home and are used for many different tasks. While durable, they do have a certain lifespan, especially if they aren’t cared for properly. Below are some signs that indicate it might be time to replace your sink.

5 Signs You Need a New Sink

  1. There are Cracks: One of the most tell-tale signs that you need a new sink is that you see cracks in and around it. These cracks can be caused by a variety of different things, including thermal stress, heavy objects, and rust.
  2. You Have Low Water Pressure: If you have an old sink, it could have trouble providing enough water through the faucet. If the faucet is clogged, it will slow down the water flow.
  3. The Tap is Rusting: Rusting taps are a common problem in sinks. These are usually caused by a heavy mineral build-up.
  4. There is Constant Mold Growth: Mold growth can be a major health hazard. If there’s sitting water, it can harbor bacteria. In addition to this, if the drain is clogged, it could cause water accumulation which could trigger mold spores to grow, especially Aspergillus and Stachybotrys.
  5. It Emits Strong Odors: If your sink is emitting strong odors, it might be time to replace it. Clogged drains can encourage mold to grow which can create a very disgusting aroma if it’s unable to be flushed away. Strong odors can also be due to sewer gas. If there’s a blockage in your water pipes, it can cause the gas to float up through your sink.

How to Care for Your Sink

You can prevent many of these issues by taking care of your sink. Below are a few ways you can do so.

  • Don’t use or pour harsh chemicals down it. If you need to clean off a tough spot, consider using vinegar.
  • Clean your sink out weekly with warm water and soap.
  • Keep the areas in and around it dry.
  • Watch for signs of leaks and immediately fix them if they appear.

Sinks are heavy-duty objects, but there comes a time when they need to be replaced. If you notice your sink having these signs, it’s an indicator that you might need to invest in a new one. In Santa Rosa, Redwood Sewer & Drain can help you with any plumbing issues caused by a faulty sink. Our professionals will inspect and repair the problem to prevent it from causing further damage.